I’ve said it a couple of times lately: In recent weeks, I’ve understood how some bigger events – like the Great Depression and the World Wars – could really shape a person. We certainly had an experience like that after 9/11; everybody remembers where they were then, and probably also remembers the time immediately after....
The Pandemic Made Me Do It: 2020 Kristen D. Hofheimer Memorial Scholarship
If you’re local, you should definitely plan to join us for our October Girl’s Night Out event at Amplitude Karaoke in Virginia Beach’s Town Center! It’s our third year sponsoring a karaoke style event and, I won’t lie, I was not at all crazy about the idea at first. I was sort of strong armed...
Happy Memorial Day! If you’re an old school sort of girl, now’s the time to wear white and open toed shoes – it’s officially summer! I’ve been waiting for this for ages, and I’m so glad it’s finally here! I’m a Virginia girl through and through, so the hotter and more humid the weather gets,...
On Tuesday, October 25th, one of our own, Diane Hofheimer, is going to be recognized for all the volunteer service she has done in our community to prevent child abuse. A long time volunteer with Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads (which has since been re named as Champions for Children Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads),...
If you’re thinking about hiring an attorney, you’ve probably, at some point, wondered who you would hire. If you’re here, I’m assuming that you’re at least considering our firm, so I wanted to make sure that I wrote a brief article telling you all about the attorneys we have practicing with us. That way, when...
Going through a divorce isn’t easy. It isn’t easy for anyone, no matter what specific issues brought you to where you are today. No matter what you’re going through, you don’t want to be defined by your divorce. You, like any woman facing adversity, want to come out on the other side, better, stronger, and...
One of our clients, Amy Kathleen Nordmeyer, was recently quoted talking about our Girl’s Night Out program in a Huffington Post article entitled “9 Ways to Live Life to the Fullest After Divorce that Cost Absolutely Nothing.” There’s no question that getting a divorce is difficult, emotionally draining, and, in a lot of ways, alienating....
Just in case you haven’t already, make sure you RSVP online now to attend our July 8th Girl’s Night Out event at the Ocean View Fishing Pier (on the top deck!) from 6-8pm. I know, I know—it’s no secret that we’re a Virginia law firm representing women only in divorce and custody cases. Still, no...