Girl’s Night Out at Haygood Skating Center!

Posted on Jul 26, 2024 by Katie Carter


We’ve hosted our Girl’s Night Out event series for a really long time now, but this next event is a new one for us.  On Tuesday, September 10th from 6-8pm, we’ll be at Haygood Skating Rink in Virginia Beach!

We’re doing a sort of roller disco theme (probably because of *this* image of the now Princess of Wales, back when she was Kate Middleton, that lives rent free in my head), and – I admit – I’m pretty excited about it.

We rented the entire skating rink because, let’s be real, none of us are very good skaters and we do NOT need an audience!  We’re also including skate rentals, unlimited pizza, and sodas for the whole crowd as well – and, maybe, if I’ve got a little extra room in the budget, some treats or other fun items.  You never know!

For a while we’ve wanted to sponsor an event that didn’t feature alcohol.  Most of us drink socially, but we’re also aware that many people don’t – and, certainly, we don’t need alcohol to have a good time.  I’ve even thought, before, of doing a real wellness-centered event, like yoga on the beach, but hadn’t finalized it and, in any case, figured that this would be a lot of fun.

So, long story short, it would be great fun if you’d join us!  We’re providing the rink and skate rental, dinner, and sodas – all you need to bring is yourself, some socks, and maybe a girlfriend or two.

Like always, no divorce or custody case is required.


What: Girl’s Night Out

Where: Haygood Skating Center

When: September 10th, 2024, 6pm-8pm

Attire: Casual – but we’re doing a roller disco theme, if you want to participate (but no pressure if you don’t)

What’s provided: Entry, skate rental, pizza, sodas

Cost: Free!


Can I bring a friend?  Yes!

Is this an opportunity to ask my burning divorce and custody questions?  No, but our attorneys will be there if you want to meet them ‘in the wild,’ so to speak!

Where can I get more divorce and/or custody information?  On our website – especially pay attention to the free books and reports, and the low cost divorce seminar.

For more information or to register to attend, you can visit our website: